Neil Haddon's painting We'll bring our own fruit 2017 will be included in the exhibition 'Strange Trees' at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 10th August to 27th November, 2017. Curated by Jane Stewart and featuring the work of John Glover, Pat Brassington, Neil Haddon, David Keeling, Jonathan Kimberley, Stephen Lees, Ricky Maynard, Milan Milojevic, Geoff Parr, Troy Ruffels, Michael Schlitz, David Stephenson, Meg Walch, Helen Wright, Richard Wastell, and Philip Wolfhagen.
We'll bring our own fruit, 2017, oil, enamel and digital print on aluminium panels
Strange Trees includes a range of artists’ interpretations of Tasmanian trees across nearly 200 years: from enchanted or ravaged forests, to the depiction of humanised, symbolic, mythological and historically significant trees.
When the colonial painter John Glover arrived in Tasmania in 1831 he marvelled at the “remarkable peculiarity of the trees” and noted with delight that he could view the “country” through their branches and foliage. In response, the trees in his Tasmanian landscapes possess a unique character, their lively, tentacular branches appearing to command the land and its inhabitants.
Strange Trees observes an enduring fascination with the forms, beauty and, at times, mystery of Tasmanian trees, simultaneously capturing their significance to our experience of the land. While Glover’s depiction of trees continues to influence artists today, it is Tasmania’s extraordinary natural environment that has inspired artists across time to depict trees in strange and evocative ways.